Δευτέρα 5 Νοεμβρίου 2018

USP38 critically promotes asthmatic pathogenesis by stabilizing JunB protein

Th2 immune response is critical for allergic asthma pathogenesis. Molecular mechanisms for regulating Th2 immunity are still not well understood. Here we report that the ubiquitin-specific protease USP38 is crucial for Th2-mediated allergic asthma. TCR stimulation up-regulated the USP38 level, and USP38 in turn mediated the protein stabilization of JunB, a transcription factor specific for Th2 development. Consequently, USP38 was specifically required for TCR-induced production of Th2 cytokines and Th2 development both in vitro and in vivo, and USP38-deficient mice were resistant to asthma pathogenesis induced by OVA or HDM. Mechanistically, USP38 directly associated with JunB, deubiquitinated Lys-48–linked poly-ubiquitination of JunB, and consequently blocked TCR-induced JunB turnov...

from #Head and Neck by Sfakianakis via simeraentaxei on Inoreader https://ift.tt/2qvN2O7

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