Δευτέρα 18 Φεβρουαρίου 2019

Impact of UV-B radiation on the photosystem II activity, pro-/antioxidant balance and expression of light-activated genes in Arabidopsis thaliana hy4 mutants grown under light of different spectral composition

Publication date: Available online 18 February 2019Source: Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: BiologyAuthor(s): Aleksandra Yu Khudyakova, Vladimir D. Kreslavski, Aleksandr N. Shmarev, Valery Yu Lyubimov, Galina N. Shirshikova, Pavel P. Pashkovskiy, Vladimir V. Kuznetsov, Suleyman I. AllahverdievAbstractThe effect of UV-B irradiation on the photosystem II (PSII) activity, the content of photosynthetic and UV-absorbing pigments (UAPs), activity of antioxidant enzymes such as catalase (CAT) and peroxidase (POD), as well as H2O2 content in 25-day-old wild type (WT) and the cryptochrome 1 (Cry1) mutant hy4 of Arabidopsis thaliana Col-0 plants was studied. In addition, expression of photoreceptor genes Cry1, Cry2 and UVR8, photomorphogenetic gene COP1 and transcription factors genes H...

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