Τρίτη 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2019

Rhythmic Abilities Correlate with L2 Prosody Imitation Abilities in Typologically Different Languages.

Authors: Cason N, Marmursztejn M, D'Imperio M, Schön D Abstract While many studies have demonstrated the relationship between musical rhythm and speech prosody, this has been rarely addressed in the context of second language (L2) acquisition. Here, we investigated whether musical rhythmic skills and the production of L2 speech prosody are predictive of one another. We tested both musical and linguistic rhythmic competences of 23 native French speakers of L2 English. Participants completed perception and production music and language tests. In the prosody production test, sentences containing trisyllabic words with either a prominence on the first or on the second syllable were heard and had to be reproduced. Participants were less accurate in reproducing penultimate accent placem...

from #Head and Neck by Sfakianakis via simeraentaxei on Inoreader http://bit.ly/2TV5oFi

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