Δευτέρα 11 Φεβρουαρίου 2019

Comparative Study Between Microscopic and Endoscopic Tympanoplasty Type I


Tympanoplasty is surgical reconstruction of tympano-ossicular system and includes—Canalplasty, Meatoplasty, Myringoplasty and Ossiculoplasty. To analyse and compare the intraoperative and postoperative aspects and the outcomes of conventional postauricular microscopic tympanoplasty and permeatal endoscopic tympanoplasty this study was conducted on 50 patients undergoing type I tympanoplasty (25 patients divided into two groups; group A—microscopic tympanoplasty and group B—endoscopic tympanoplasty). Advantages, disadvantages and results were compared between the two groups. Success rates and hearing improvement were comparable in both groups while intraoperative ease, postoperative morbidity and operative time was seen superior in endoscopic group. Although, endoscopic technique being minimally invasive yet has disadvantages such as single handed difficult instrumentation, frequent cleaning of scope and thus a steep learning curve. In conclusion permeatal endoscopic tympanoplasty can be considered as a good alternative to the conventional microscopic tympanoplasty.

from #Head and Neck by Sfakianakis via simeraentaxei on Inoreader http://bit.ly/2I4ZrUZ

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