Πέμπτη 20 Σεπτεμβρίου 2018

The relevance of Marx to contemporary perspectives on Utterance Meaning in Context: a re-examination of Voloshinov’s Philosophy of Language

Publication date: Available online 18 September 2018Source: Language SciencesAuthor(s): Jelena TimotijevicAbstractPhilosophers on all sides of the contemporary Contextualism debates have given primacy to the role context plays in utterance comprehension. They view language as a socio-cultural practice; their theoretical perspectives are largely focused on speaker's intentions and contextually modified senses of language elements appropriate to the situation at hand. Following Marx and Engels' (1845) philosophical contributions on language, Voloshinov (1929: 9–24, 83–98) argues that language can only exist if socially organised individuals engage and communicate through the use of 'signs'. The object of study should be the language of 'actual life', in other words utterances tha...

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